19 August 2020
Results Day: Your passion drives your career, not your grades.

Results day is tough at the best of times, and uncertainty due to the Coronavirus pandemic has made things that much harder. Exams and grades were handled in unprecedented circumstances this year and it has affected many in different ways. But whether you're a GCSE, A-Level, or university student, don't let that stop you going after the career you want.
Earlier this week on A-Level results day, we posted out on Twitter asking for games industry professionals to share their career stories. We wanted to show those of you who might have been disheartened by your results that the path into your dream job isn't always as straightforward as an A*, a degree, and then an office with your name on it. You can get there in millions of different ways, as this wholesome Twitter thread has proved.
Here are some of our favourite stories:
If you were disappointed by your grades today, allow yourself to be. When that feeling passes (and it will) you will be stronger for it, and we promise there are so many things out there to help you get to where you want to be. Your future is as bright as you want it to be and your grades do not define you.
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