12 May 2021
Virtual Work Experience with Dv8 and Hangar13

During March, game students from Dv8 college undertook a brand new virtual work experience organised by Into Games. Together the students learned how to work as a game studio for the week; designing and pitching a new game mechanic as part of a professional games studio brief.
“I am extremely grateful for the opportunity. Being in a working environment (online) was an interesting experience into what the future can hold for me.” Dv8 Student
What is virtual work experience?
Into Games designed the Virtual Work Experience programme to help the next generation of game makers get access to the industry, providing them with an introduction to workplace behaviours and industry-standard methodologies and tools.
The project has paired 8 UK-based game studios with 8 colleges, helping to deliver a practical week, providing game students with e-learning training and a bespoke game brief to respond to.
Dv8 college paired with game studio Hangar13, best-known for making blockbuster single-player action games in the Mafia franchise to set the brief and they tasked the students to design a mission set in their Mafia universe, asking for 3 basic mission design pitches.
What did we achieve?
During virtual work experience, guided by mentors, students successfully learned how to collaborate and work remotely, assigning themselves and assimilating industry roles within their teams.
“Storyboards were really well done! The work ethic of this team really shone through. Incredible effort" Jak Marshall, Hangar13 and virtual work experience mentor.
The week culminated in a pitch of their ideas back to the mentors and game studio. After the week came to a close, students received 360 feedback from their teammates and mentors on their contribution helping them to reflect and what they needed to work on for their future game making careers.
“Mentoring a student team was both extremely rewarding and educational for us” Virtual Work Experience Mentor
Meaningful work experience has always been a key player to getting a foot into the industry and with the workforce moving online in unprecedented numbers, the Into Games virtual work experience has provided invaluable learnings at a crucial time.
It was brilliant seeing the students rise to the challenge and enjoy direct interaction with industry, tutors were delighted to see their students so engaged. Thank you to Dv8 college and all the supporting staff, the students and a huge thanks to all the mentors for their time into making this week a success.
“Tons of value. One of the most valuable things we’ve done with them.” Dv8 staff
Thanks to: Dv8 Staff: Paul Oliver, Games Development Curriculum Area Lead, Nicola Lombardo, Student Services Manager and Tutors: William Ansell and Lucie Eldridge. And mentors: Georgie McDaniel, Christopher Gale, Jak Marshall, Carla Prada, Sam Neal, Sarah Hull from Hangar13, Isfandyar Ali from Blazing Griffin and Peter Martingell from Electric Gamebox.
Would you like to get your college or game studio involved in virtual work experience? We would love to hear from you! Email Rosalie@intogames.org for more information.
Virtual work experience participating colleges: Dundee and Angus College, Bristol College, Dv8 College, Big Creative Education, Priestley College, Access to Creative , Brighton and Worthing MET and Confetti Institute
Virtual work experience participating studios: Outplay, Blazing Griffin, Hangar 13, Cloud Imperium, Splash Damage, Jagex, Creative Assembly and Spilt Milk
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