Most people working as a UI Designer have a degree in Games Design or Art and Design. Above all, you should be someone that loves designing things, creative problem solving and collaborating with others.
As a professional, you’ll be responsible for the visual experience of the game ensuring the player can navigate as intended. You’ll be responsible for the user interface, designing features to help players move, complete functions, and perform necessary tasks and challenges.
You’ll know how to conduct UI research and you will use design tools to work and communicate your ideas like InDesign and Photoshop. You will also use software to help you develop prototypes for example Adobe XD, InVision and Sketch. We recommend using our tool picker to help you choose the right ones for your current level and purpose.
Working in the games industry is highly competitive and you’ll need to make sure your portfolio (a collection of your best work) stands out to employers and course leaders.
As a UI Designer, your work should showcase games you’ve designed, demonstrating concept designs, prototypes and finished work. You should show a range of technical skills and an understanding of fundamental game-design principles. For more general ideas on developing your portfolio, see our top tips page.